I am going to hate Malaysia after this. Why Aussie? Why not Segambut, Klang or something? Why must it be some place far that i can't possibly drive there? Even though it means 3.150 bloody bucks for a litre. Super V-Power Racing yo. Bodoh forever. Life's not gonna be the same after this. I HATE YOU!!!! Never have i enjoyed my life this much before this. Why must you go so early? Damn, life is going to be miserable. No more tampar tampar, no more pengukuran pinggang, no more emo episodes, no more problem sharings, no more 513. 513 513 513!!!!!! If you get what I mean. Not the tebu episode you retard, the other thing! I'm sorry for the other readers who might be possibly reading this. You won't understand shit what I'm talking about. Who cares, this is about the girl who made my life fucking interesting for 3 weeks. And just to point out, she's not my chick. She's like a sister to me. A retarded sister to be exact. No offense Jaja, kau tu boleh tahan ah. HAHAHA! Haih, I just don't know how to express myself. Words just can't possibly describe it. Cewah, ayat falsafah. Bak kata Anya, taking a leaf from Pings, publisiti murahan. Hehe. I'm gonna miss you. Please contact me as soon as you reach Melbourne. Bubbles sucks forever.
On the bright side, ibu tersayang is making me go to Aussie instead of UK. I was damn depressed today and when she asked me why, I told her you're leaving for Melbourne. Jom kita quote kata ibunda tersayang "Just study hard, then you can go to Australia if you want." I might be interested in Bubbles after all. If it does go as plan though.
Wei monyet, if this post doesn't make you cry, let me know. I'll write you a poem sampai kau menangis air mata sebaldi. Boleh derma dekat kanak kanak Cambodia.
Much love from Malaysia,
Pings. (Orang yang tak tahu, diam. Jangan tanya kenapa.)

Haha! Anya, I know you love me. This picture is gonna be everywhere in Malaysia!
Sas sesh!
8 ulasan:
d past 3 weeks ngan aku x interesting laa..
fine mache..
tido sebelah2 x interesting laa..
aku taw aku x sehot anya...
(patut ko bwk aku lepak ngan die duh)
tapi at least ko kena igt..
time kpale ko sedap semua sape yg ade di sisi ko menemani ko?
time ko goreng telur sambil tido sape gelakkan ko??
time ko toast roti penuh bile kluar tinggal suku je sape gelakkan ko sampai nak mati??
time ade kwn kite nak mati dah sape yg menemani ko?
fine laa...
kite putus di sini..
hye anye... (typical guys)
emo sebenarnya... tengok gambar, terpikir kanak kanak Cambodia, terus jatuh katil tengah gelak ketawa beriang ria.
hahahahahahahahaha! bodoh for life la you. :P antisipasi ('anticipate', buat cara Melayu) my reply to this post. sambil menunggu, tekan nuffnang. :D:D:D
love you for life wei.
fine mr.tiesto, aku buat satu post untuk kau. berani menyahut cabaran? takut karang bila aku dah post kau cari aku dengan parang sebab banyak sangat mengutuk. haha kidding, will do one soon bro, just wait. and anya, siapa kau? sorry, tak kenal. (konon merajuk)
that's really anya ke?
P I N G S.
no tampar-ing needed
siapa anya liy? tak kenal. perempuan tu dah lesap dari malaysia! cis. taugeh hero, for awhile i was like 'siapa taugeh ni sial' but when i look at the car picture, i remember. the sweet ride. lol. let me know when you're drifting around shah alam okay bro? nak ternganga tengok jugak. lol.
haha okok not soon ar... eh, add me on facebook k? (thru anya ler)
anything i'll update you there :D
tinggalkan ulasan anda?
i wish i wasnt too busy and i could lepak with anya for the whole 3 weeks like you did. aaah i miss herrrrr.
tergelak sampai sakit perut okay baca you punya blog ni. dah la, you can quit studying now, you made .75 cents already right? :P
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