*Counting the days till November*
Alright, let's try forgetting about Anya and move on for awhile. (Macam boleh je) I have to. Or else my beloved readers akan bosan asyik baca cerita pasal you je, they'll stop reading my blog. Don't stop reading! I wanna be rich! Nuffnang! Hey guys, wanna see pictures of Anya naked? Click at the link on the right side of the page. Yang ada tulis Nuffnang tu. *Hoho Anya, I'm gonna be rich!*
Wow! Mr.nakkenatampar can cook! Hello cute girls out there, want me to cook for you? Don't worry, I'll just make sure the ambulance are ready if you collapse from food poisoning. Ala chill la, baru 3 orang je mati keracunan from my cooking. It's completely safe, trust me.
Today, my sisters just came back from their vacation. Sorang Penang, sorang Perhentian Island. They got me souvenirs! Jaja got me an anklet berbentuk cicak yang diukir dari buah kelapa. (Actually she bought it for herself but i took it from her =D) And Kakak got me a monkayh doll! I think you're supposed to hang it somewhere but it's been hanging on my neck for the past 2 hours. Style, boleh pakai pegi prom!

(Guys, meet Qarira.)
Kalau ada orang terasa, jangan poyo. It has nothing to do with you. ;)
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