I don't know why, but I tend to attract cops. I think I have the serial killer/bank robber look. A couple of months ago, something interesting happened. I haven't had time to write about it because I was busy with exams. Now dah habis boleh la cerita.
I was driving to UiTM one day because I had class on that day. I was from Ampang. I would use the NPE highway to go to Shah Alam sebab malas nak hadapi traffic jam. NPE has 2 tolls that you have to pay. So I was at the first toll. Coincidently theres this patrol car next to me masa nak bayar toll. Sengaja nak cari pasal, I gave the " 'ssup look " to them. Lepas bayar toll buat la muka bangga and terus jalan. Suddenly the patrol car drove right behind me and turned on the siren. Terkejut la pulak woi. He turned on the speakers and told me to pull over.
I refused to stop so floored the pedal. The patrol car chased me all the way to Shah Alam.
Pergh, ayat nak poyo je. Takde ah, I pulled over immediately after he told me to. Hehe. So the policeman approached me and asked for my license and my ID. He told me to take my shades off and step out of the vehicle. Gila, tak buat salah apa pun kena macam tu. After dah keluar he checked my car. Korek semua lubang yang ada. Lepas tu dia suruh bukak the boot. Apa benda wei, tak pasal je. So I opened it. Dalam tu ada 4 golf clubs my mum gave to me to beat people up. Peh, poyo lagi. So the officer asked me if I play golf. Malas nak panjangkan cerita I said it was my dad's.
Tiba-tiba dia ternampak my bag at the back seat. He asked me what's inside the bag. I said it was my clothes. Dia buat muka tak percaya. He went to the back seat and selongkar-ed my bag. Berterabur semua baju. Kurang ajar gila. Haha. I think dia tak puas hati sebab tak jumpa apa apa, he told me to put my hands on the roof of my car and spread my legs.
So I did what he told me to do. Menggigil jugak la terkangkang macam sakai dekat tepi highway while the officer checked my body. Nampak macam penjenayah mana je. Cars slowed down to look at what was happening. Dapat tangkap Botak Chin ke ni? Ada rasa bangga sikit la timbul bila semua orang tengok. Haha. Sempat la wink dekat perempuan sorang dua. ;) Baru nampak jahat. Hahahahaha. Geli sial.
Anyways, after the officer dah puas meraba otot otot kental tapi tak jumpa apa apa he let me off. So from now on if you see me giving the " 'ssup look ", better stay away. Karang tak pasal kena raba dengan police.
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10 ulasan:
haha muka hang mcm michael scofield kot... police tu plak dah terpengaruh dgn prison break...
ko salah tulis tajuk ke mache.. apsal cam takde relation ngan entri?
itu la pasal. who ask you so gatal give your 'ssup look'? kan dah kena sexually harassed. but hey, you know you loved it. ;)
hahaha. aku rasa statement semalam kau kata muka accountant kaya berjaya tu dah terbukti salah dalam entri ni. =]
Hahaha.. anda kelakar.. ;]
'ssup look' yang memang bergaya.
nk hey jugak, you know, you suka cari pasal?hehe..
u gotta teach me the'ssup look lah! But takmau lah buat kat polis. I dont wanna be molested man!
Buat demo 'ssup look' tu boleh tak hahah.
Nanti boleh try.
you experienced your very own version of COPS...
for the bloody first time!!!
you shouldn't back down la..
when the police interrogated you...
you gave them the bloody "ssup" look...
at least try la to provoke them ke..
now that would be really interesting..
cheers mate...
keep up the good writing...
love it...
kelakar gila la post ni. :pppp
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