(hai semua, nama saya farhan si budak nerd! sebab tu pakai baju butang sampai atas!)
I wasn't feeling well a few days ago so I decided to go see the doctor. ( Correction, i was forced to see the doctor.) Flu, batuk, sore throat, sakit mata and a slight fever. The doctor gave me medicine for all of those illness but dia tak kasi ubat flu because he said i didn't have one. Kau bodoh ke apa bitchface! (mind my French) Just because my nose tak meleleh hingus kau cakap aku takde flu? Anyways, my cough was quite bad so i took quite alot of the cough syrup. I ended finishing the whole bottle in 2 days. Hmm, farny si penagih ubat batuk? But i did follow the instructions given on the bottle. Take a cap every 4 hours. So it's okay la kan? Dahla the ubat for sakit tekak the doctor kasi ubat kumur kumur. Ingat Listerine ke bang? Okay, I'm beginning to write crap. My head's too messed up to think. Haha sorry people. Off to study I go! Up up and awaayyy!! (I really need entertainment. Someone come and save me.)
2 ulasan:
i'll post syaffnisong to complete your day then!
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