Look closely. No bitch, closer! that's my friggin' middle finger! Best kan? And what's interesting in this picture is that you can see my 'bling bling' rings. Smart, smart. Okay, because i don't know what has gotten on to me that time, i took a lot of pictures so i'll selitkan the pictures between my story.

Let's see. I was at Aizat's house doing some stuffs. So around 1am i decided to go back to Shah Alam. As i was going down Aizat's stupid marble steps, i slipped. (I was wearing socks okay, licin ah! Im not that stupid to fall down just like that.) And so, when i tripped (mind you, buttocks first) i was skating down the stairs with my sweet ass. Maybe i was not in the mood for ass-skating so i put my hands down so that i can stop breaking my ass. When i stopped, i couldn't feel a thing except that my ass hurts. But when i looked at my hands, fu-yoh!

Yes! Yes! It's real. And that white thing is my bone sticking out of it's socket. I was damn shocked. And the conversation with Kid who was beside me at that time but decided not to ass-skating went a little bit like this ;
"Weh, jari aku patah sial!"
"Tarik jari aku weh, tarik!"
"Macam mana nak tarik? Aku tak reti! (He started to pull my finger so unpro-ishly)
"Woi bodoh jangan tarik! Sakit woi!"
"Aizat, tolong tarik jari Pa'an wei, jari dia patah!"
"Jangan tarik weh, kau bawak dia pegi hospital. Kau kena drive!"
Note ; Kid is 18 this year and he doesn't have a license. The last time he attempted to drive my car we almost end up six-feet-under.
And so i said ;
"Kepotak kau, kau la drive!"
So we we're on the way to Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital and i said the most random thing ever.
"Weh, sorry weh. Aku nak kentut. Tak tahan gila doh!"
And Kid came up with one of the most brilliant answers i've ever heard.
"Kentut la doh, kentut. Kitorang tak kisah."
Lol. Orang gila. And so upon reaching the hospital, i was feeling dizzy. My face was numb and i couldn't feel my legs. Kid and Aizat was "pimpin-ing" me to the emergency place. And i blacked out. Drama king betul ni. Haha. When i woke up i was already on the bed. And when i woke up i felt extra hyper-ish. I started making stupid jokes to the nurses and i started taking pictures. I went to get an x-ray scan later and the doctor tried to fix my finger. It was as if i was giving birth to quadruplets.(I might exaggerate, but you get the point. Haha) And guess what? The doctor couldn't fix it properly. There's still my bone jutting out. So the doctor bandaged my fingers and gave me a jab in the butt. Sweet. And she told me to come again tomorrow to go see the specialist.

Yes, i had to survive one night of terror with the stupid bandage on. I couldn't sleep that night because it was so uncomfortable. And my friends were watching stupid videos on Youtube. So the next morning i went to see the specialist and he jabbed my finger 4 times to make it numb. And Dr.Wong pulled my finger and there's a clicking sound and the next thing i know my finger was fixed. Thank you Dr.Wong! He even gave me a 20% discount. But hey, 20% pun tak rasa doh. Altogether i had to fork out 700+ bucks. So now im broke and in debt. Yea sure, i would be grateful if you guys would want to form a tabung for me.
Last words,
Thanks a lot to Kid and Aizat for all your help and the company you guys gave me throughout all the ordeal. I owe you guys. Thank you, thank you! To you guys out there, this is how friends should be. Cewah. Meh tengok muka hensem diorang meh!

Oh ya, I have a theory. I think i know why i slipped. I was trying to be cute by wearing purple socks. Tuhan balas.

8 ulasan:
ma'am diba nak jumpe
tu la org suro solat tak nak
haha! omg that looks horrible okay. props to anya for recommending your blog. :)
i want to pity you on this but the hilariousness surpass it. LOL
- dyjae
Should've kept it broken. Traumatises the effers we show the middle finger to. Might even get an efftard motorcyclist to run into a lamppost. Happy thoughts~
whoa. this is fucking random. but when u were at the hospital. i was there. my whole family was there. i could tell cuz i recognise u ppls faces thru ur pictures. and cuz u sounded really hurt. hahahaha. yes. im pretty sure you made wimpy girly noises. but i wouldnt blame if my sweet sweet finger looked like that.
hold up. im not a stalker. bahaha. my grandpa wasnt well. he was admitted to the hospital too. we all waited near the reception. how did i get to ur blog? thru a friends myspace. thinking it was his blog. but it wasnt.
no this is not a joke. im really a stranger. :)
you stranger, stop stalking me! haha. oh you should have said hello and shake my hand. i would've slapped s stranger.
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