This is Anya!
A rockstar.
She shook Brandon Boyd's hand and got an autograph from him.
Let's all kill her. Yay! Mari mari check out Anya's blog. She's really cool and she's at Australia. Perasan mat salleh dia ni. Her blog is really interesting and the best thing about her blog is that she promoted MY blog. My blog.
4 ulasan:
i loooooove this post! :D:D:D:D
gila babi vainpot. haha!
i hate austramalaysians. syuh syuh!
im mat salleh and you love it. :P i hate people who break falls on cushy buns with bony fingers! hahahahahaha!
i wish i was there! hahahahaha!
so you guys are like promoting each other's blog la ni eh? haha. :P
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