To be fair, I've lost interest in writing. It has been months since I last wrote a proper post. I guess I got bored of writing. It's not fun anymore.
I've been in London for more than 3 months now. It feels like I've been here for a long time. I've settled down finally. I've been staying at my friends house for 2 months, staying in a room that can only fit a bed and a small cupboard. Even the toilet is bigger than my room, no shit. Yeah, so basically I've been having a hard time when I got here.
Well, things are getting better now. I've moved to a small studio right in the center of London. It's not a big one, it's slightly bigger. Now I can walk an extra 3 steps. That's an improvement kan? I have to share the toilet with the person staying next to me though. The toilet is so small I can't even sit properly. Kena duduk senget sebab tak muat duduk betul betul. The shower is in my room. The shower is small too. I can't bend down to take the shampoo. Kena bengkokkan kaki, badan straight and capai the shampoo/sabun. Haha sedih gila.
I don't know why but I still get people talking about me. Saying that I'm too rich that I have to stay alone in Central London. Well fuck that. I've been working my ass off to pay for my rent, so it's up to me to stay wherever the fuck I want to.
But whatever it is, I'm in the shit again now. I stopped working because my exam is just around the corner. I've just moved in to this place 2 weeks ago so I had to buy a lot of things. So now I am broke. I have £13 to last for 2 weeks. Don't convert people, It's like having RM13 for 2 weeks. And I'm living alone so I have to pay for everything.
Yeah, basically that's how it's been for me. Let's get to the fun part now.
London is awesome I must admit. I love it here. Walaupun sometimes the weather can be a bit frustrating. Yesterday I felt the strongest blow of wind in my life. I was walking and the wind was blowing against me. Suddenly, a strong gush of wind came out of nowhere. I literally got blown away by the win. Tercampak ke belakang, nasib baik tak jatuh. Mat Salleh kat sebelah gelak tengok. Iyee bang, memang saya ni gemuk sebenarnya angin tiup rilek je.
It rains here like crazy too. Dah 3 hari hujan tak berhenti. But it's always drizzling. The people here are awesome too. London people are very law obedient. They follow the rules. Standing on the right side of the escalator, wait for the people to get out of the bus/tube first before getting in and stuff. But one thing that amazes me the most is that the cars would stop if there are people at the zebra crossing. Tak kisah lah laju mana, they'll even step on the emergency brakes to let you pass. Rindu pulak Mat Rempit ni. Haha.
Well, these small things doesn't seem like it's a big deal but when you come to think about it, it really does make a huge difference. You know what they say, it's the small things that count.
I'm still getting used to London. One thing that I think I will never get used to are the cold toilet seats. Sumpah mengundang. Dude, it's not cool when you're having a stomach ache and you have to sit really slowly to get used to the cold toilet seat. Berpeluh peluh weh. Duduk laju laju karang terkejut punggung tak pasal masuk balik karang.
And nowadays, it gets dark really early. Pukul 4 dah gelap. It's really depressing when you don't get to see the sun that often. When you go for classes, by the time you go out it's already dark. Rasa macam class lama sangat. Like today, I woke up at 4. Matahari dah lesap. Pressure sial.
Alright people, that's enough for now. I'm gonna write more if I feel like too. Thank you for your time. :)