A few weeks back, I started going for tuition. I had to because I can't afford to screw up the paper again. And of all the places, I went for Kasturi Tuition Centre.
Yes people, Kasturi. If you are not from Kuala Lumpur, let me tell you about Kasturi. Pusat tusyen paling terkenal di Kuala Lumpur. Ask anyone, they would know. Tempat menjual muka. Pergi class macam nak ke KLCC. Perfume suku botol wajib digunakan. Padahal dalam kelas bukan pay attention pun, mata meliar mencari gadis gadis comel. SPM tetap hancur.
Anyways, the place where Im going bukan the Kasturi that the kids go, my one high class sikit. Kasturi School of Accounting. Cewah. So, when I went there dapat la gelakkan budak sekolah yang nak menjual muka disana. Gaya sungguh poyo. Gelak punya gelak teringat dulu pun macam tu jugak. Terus diam.
My class, is the part-time class. Because if you guys don't know, I'm already studying at UiTM Shah Alam. So my class pun orang yang part-timers juga. And I'm the only one around my age. And the only malay. Yang lain semua dah tua. Nobody would sit next to me. Sedih sial. Cakap pun tak. Semua kasi pandangan jijik. Maybe it's because of the shiny thing on my eyebrow kot. Tanda-tanda patut dibuang dah ni.
My class lecturer is the weirdest guy I've ever met. Masa tu, it was the Chinese New Year season so Kasturi hired some lion dance. The lecturer said to get ready, sure bising. And some other weird things. Some of them are:
"Eh you Indian people, when the lion come ah, you bring your kavadi and stab them can ah?"
(At this time, the lion was dancing downstairs, he opened the window and said)
"Someone go get a plastic and fill it with water, throw it to the lion can ah? Tell them to shut up"
"When the stupid lion come ah, you people show the finger to them, sure they shut up one."
??? Weirdo sial. Haha but that's the only entertainment I get there. Because for 3 hours, I don't open my mouth. Nobody would talk to me. (kisah sedih)
What to do, sacrifice untuk education punya pasal. Ayat ini sungguh poyo.
Thank you. Someone come entertain me here. Bosan lah duduk sorang.
(gambar mintak cubitan nakal minggu ini.)
Ihik ihik!~