I am a mayoholic. I'm addicted to mayonnaise. Semua makanan sumbat mayonnaise. Nasi lemak mayo please? Yesterday, i had 3 sets of burger mayonnaise melimpah. After that, muak nak mati. Bau mayonnaise pun rasa nak muntah. After that, i swore to myself that i'm not gonna take mayonnaise for a month.
Baru tadi i had tuna sandwich with mayonnaise melimpah. Macam mana ni? Ceh.
Okay, cerita lain.
When i was a small kid, standard 2 to be exact, i love seaweed. Seaweed = Sempurna. Dulu, my cousin from Japan selalu visit us. Every time datang they'll bring berguni-guni seaweed. Wow! Seaweed? Syurga!
My addiction to seaweed tidak boleh dikawal. Makan seaweed, minum seaweed, tidur seaweed. I have seaweed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At that time, everyday i will bring bekal seaweed to school.
And one day, during recess, i was happily making out with my seaweed and suddenly terasa nak muntah. Watakwang?! So i ran to the longkang and i threw up. Muntah hijau pekat and bits of seaweed went out. Beberapa tersangkut di gigi. Sumpah smart. Everyone saw me puke and they ran away. Celaka! Tak cool la macam ni!
From that day on, i can no longer eat seaweed. Everytime im near seaweed, tumbuh goosebumps. Even the smell of seaweed can make me puke. Imagine having dinner at Sushi King! Makan petai cicah wasabi sahaja. My celaka sisters selalu ask me to try seaweed. And everytime i try seaweed, even a small piece, my face will turn blue. Terus rasa nak muntah.
Seaweed sucks! Lepas ni jumpa seaweed baling kat anjing! Hak tuih!
So the morale of the story my dear readers,
Cut down on mayonnaise. Akan sampai satu tahap dimana bau mayonnaise boleh buat pitam. So after this if you see me asking for mayonnaise lebih, just say;
"Nak kena tampar?"
Eeeeee, boleh buat mati.
My dear friends, please do not offer me seaweed okay. And don't spike my food with seaweed. I'm gonna puke on your face.
5 ulasan:
aiyaa..aku pon bermasalah dengan seaweed..yucks okay!
hehe~ i have no idea ur quite a funny guy ;p
i cant eat juz plain seaweed as well xp puke once in hi skewl..lalala~
lawak weyyyy
ganja laut eh? haha. style. tapi 'ganjalaut' best doh. rugi hidup kau tak makan dah. baik kau pg try makan balik. sedaaaaaaaap.
by far cerita plg best kat dlm blog kau. 2nd best sunburst ! haha
aku cuma nk tau satu je cam mana mr potato leh ada kat page kau ?? jealous baaiiii... haha lagi worth dari masuk gdi !!
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