I lost my voice. From all the screaming after an intense night at Asia Cafe. I couldn't remember the last time i screamed until i lost my voice. With drunk Chelsea fans shirtless and waving their shirts around baring their furry chest, who wouldn't want to scream their lungs out? The agony wei! And this one Chelsea fan keeps on whistling. Ala, you put your fingers in your mouth and blow tu.
Like that. And it was bloody loud. Sumpah sakit telinga. Bodoh Chelsea fans ni. Takpe, we Reds have our own cheer captain! There's this one Chinese dude who is a bloody fanatic fan of Man United. He's in charge of the cheering. And because the place is packed with United fans, AC roared. But sedihnya, he keeps on cheering the same thing lah.
"M.U! M.U!"
"United! United!"
"Glory Glory Man United!"
And the lamest of them all:
"Boo sama dia! Boo sekali lagi! Boo Chelsea!!"
Woih malu sial. I was laughing my ass off listening to them cheer. I joined them too. I screamed like hell.
"Strepsils! Strepsils!"
Fuh, sakit tekak weh.

Padan muka kau Drogba bodoh hina anjing!
Suka hati je slap muka Vidic, you pay the price bitchface.
Oh, what a perfect birthday present, winning the Champions League. Happy birthday Farny!
Bye bye.
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