This is Shukri.
Or better known as Ko'e. Nama comel : Coco.
Coco is very cool. He is very handsome too. He's studying law at UiTM Shah Alam. He's the vocalist of a metal band. He asked me to promote his band so that he can be famous like me one day. But sadly, they still haven't decided on their band name yet. How the hell do you promote a band when the band pun tak ada nama? Slap. I'll update this post as soon as he decides on the band name.
One more thing. I just don't understand why all the law chicks lepak with Coco. Yea i know he's hot, but come on! It's Ko'e! They even gave him the name Coco. Tampar, tampar, tampar.
1 ulasan:
our band name gonna be 'per capita' ... farn might our bassist so u farn better stop saying bad things bout me.. we had a superb but short performance at law dinner where we got a lot of compliment from mates n especially couple!
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